graphic designer

Highly creative and multi talented Graphic Designer with extensive experience in multimedia, marketing, and print design. Exceptional collaborative and interpersonal skills; dynamic team player with well-developed written and verbal communication abilities. Highly skilled in client and vendor relations and negotiations; talented at building and maintaining “win-win” partnerships. Passionate and inventive creator of innovative marketing strategies and campaigns; accustomed to performing in deadli

الميزانية: 30.00 USD - 200.00 USD
التسليم: 3 أيام
موعد التسليم: سبتمبر 28, 2021
تحميل المرفقات:
File 5d878c1608e53e5... ( 50 كيلوبايت )
File 13987f44-77d6-4... ( 41 كيلوبايت )
File 14972.jpg... ( 345 كيلوبايت )
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File IMG-20200721-WA... ( 66 كيلوبايت )
File results.jpg... ( 69 كيلوبايت )
File thumbnail.jpg... ( 145 كيلوبايت )
File unnamed.jpg... ( 36 كيلوبايت )
سبتمبر 25, 2021